Bollywood start Salman Khan got a new death threat through WhatsApp, allegedly from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Mumbai Police have confirmed the news. They claimed for a public apology or Rs 5 crore money.
Bollywood superstar got the second threat in a week. The latest message comes from an associate of the infamous gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. They demanded 5 crore or an apology. The Mumbai Police Traffic Control unit received a message on Monday late night.
According to police sources, the sender stated, “Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother is speaking, and if Salman Khan wants to stay alive, he should go to our temple and apologies or pay Rs 5 crore. If he does not comply, we will kill him; our gang is still active.”
The Police are trying to find out the origin of the threat message. They increased the security measures for Salman Khan. Police are also checking if the message is linked to Lawrence Bishnoi, who is in jail on various charges, including attempted murder and extortion.
“In the case of a threat to Actor Salman Khan, the process of registering the case is underway at Worli Police Station. The number from which the message came is being traced,” news agency ANI quoted the Mumbai Police as saying.
Previously Received Threat
On October 29 the Mumbai Traffic Police got an anonymous message. Message threatening to harm the 58-year-old actor if he did not pay the ₹2 crore. This was his first death threat.
An investigation was started by the Worli police after they filed a case against the unnamed individual. Azam Mohammed Mustafa, a Bandra (East) resident, was arrested by the police.
A letter threatening Khan was discovered close to his home in 2022. After Baba Siddique was assassinated on October 12 during Dussehra celebrations outside Zeeshan’s workplace, the actor’s security has now been tightened. The Lawrence Bishnoi gang took credit the following day, claiming that Siddique’s close relationship with Khan was the driving force.